First: Thanks for answering at all. It's not commonplace nowadays to
find a contact and if one does to get an answer at all! :)

The whole thread (two people have similar issues with can be
found here:
> Odd.  No one else has mentioned this issue.  Could it be a combination
> of versions between the client and server?

Could very well be.

> > > > Looks like at least two servers behind a loadbalancer?
> > > 
> > > No.  A signle server with OpenSSL library bugs (broken support for
> > > TLSv1 session tickets).
> Definitely a single server.  The openssl version is 1.0.1e.  That's the
> latest version issued three months ago.

OK. So it's 1.0.1e

> > > Back your original problem, do you know anyone who can report what
> > > software is running at  Is this also a NetBSD
> > > 0.9.9-dev snapshot?
> NetBSD 5.1 stable release.


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Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Axel von der Ohe, Marc Schiffbauer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Florian Kirstein

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