Good morning,
our outgoing smtp server gets into a backscatter blacklist. When I checked my logs, there were only one mailer daemon email to some server in the time that is mentioned on the backscatter web. In all servers in the way of the email (incoming MX->antispam server-> our imap server) has unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550. What else could I do ? There could be one thing - incoming MX accept all emails for our domain, he doesn't know our aliases. The mail is send to antispam and when antispam wanna sent the email to imap server and the target email address doesn't exists, it has 550 error and it is send away by our antispam server (it is our outgoing server). So, is this all wrong ? We decided to have more servers because of loading reasons (we've daily up to 15 000 emails, but there were a 60 000 peak)
  Thanks and best regards

Ma domena pouziva zabezpeceni a kontrolu SPF ( a
DomainKeys/DKIM (with ADSP) . Pokud mate problemy s dorucenim emailu,
zacnete pouzivat metody overeni puvody emailu zminene vyse. Dekuji.
My domain use SPF ( and DomainKeys/DKIM (with ADSP)
policy and check. If you've problem with sending emails to me, start
using email origin methods mentioned above. Thank you.

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