On 01/09/2013 04:10 PM, mouss wrote:
Le 09/01/2013 14:34, Robert Moskowitz a écrit :
I have read the man page and
http://www.postfix.org/BUILTIN_FILTER_README.html, but don't think I
got the why of all of it yet.

A couple howtos I have been using as guidance have the following
content for master.cf

pickup    fifo  n       -       n       60      1       pickup
   -o content_filter=
   -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks

I will be using Amavisd-new, ClamAV, and SpamAssassin for content
filtering.  There are lots of other lines scattered around that are
specific to these filtering tools.  I think I am adding these lines to
limit what pickup is doing as there will be other tools that will do
more?  Is that correct?

Thank you.

the pickup service is used when you use the sendmail command to submit
mail (instead of using smtp).
many system programs (cron, logwatch ...) use the sendmail command to
send mail to root and other accounts. and here:

1) such programs assume a "no error" sendmail. in short, they won't
accept a "421 try later" etc. so unless the world gets on fire, the
sendmail command is supposed to take responsbility of the message and do
whatever to get it delivered. the submitter won't manage a queue or
retry etc.
that's wat the pickup service is for. it'll retry if it can't pass the
message to another "party". and if delivery is not possible, it'll try
to send an error message (a bounce).

2) some programs will send spam reports (think of a log parser...) which
do contain spammy words etc. you wouldn't want these to be blocked by a
content filter.

3) after all, this is "outbound" mail. so standard spam filters aren't
good at this game. you cannot use RBLs, and other reputation things. on
the other hand, if you see junk you can take action. so why care of
content filtering...

Thank you for the excellent bit of education.

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