> Using third party tool/script is strictly prohibited ..That is the
> reason i dont use postfwd .

So, what about postfix itself? Did you really analyze every line of the
source code?

> It would be greate if you could help me to customize
> "smtpd-policy-template"  for me

The policy delegation protocol documentation is very helpful and clear.
To be honest, your first attempt shows that you should think about
engaging someone with experience in writing perl-network code or really
take some more time for studies. No offence really, but there are
several ways to create serious security flaws with own code, if not
reviewed by experienced programmers or a bigger audience. You can never
trust input if you are on public networks!

An example: The more complex your work gets, you may want to log several
actions of your code. The first public postfwd versions had a format
string flaw, because older versions of the Sys::Syslog functions were
not to happy about "%"-characters in e-mail addresses - same for printf
and so on. Don't forget, that your mail system may become unavailable,
if the policy service crashes.

Regards, Jan

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