I would like to know what is the simplest way to do the following:

Assuming my server is an MTA for domain example.net with local delivery to mostly virtual users. Virtual user addresses look like virtu...@example.net. These users often get emails from the example.org domain.

Email received only from sen...@example.org by one specific virtual user with address virtu...@example.net needs to be BCC'ed or forwarded to virtu...@example.com. The email for example.com is not handled by me.

I have read the available documentation for a while but haven't been able to find a satisfactory solution. One solution that looks promising was to use "sender_bcc_maps" however it appears that this can not be used on a per (virtual) user basis, or recipient address.

I thought some kind of content inspection could work but that seems the wrong approach.

Using a .forward file doesn't appear to work either because it will forward everything and not differentiate based on the sender address.

For now it appears piping email to an external command using the users .forward file is the only solution.

I may have just overlooked something obvious, but I got stuck.
Could anyone point to solution other than using piping in the .forward file?


Earthquake Magnitude: 5.3
Date: Sunday, September 23, 2012 06:40:53 UTC
Location: Fiji region
Latitude: -16.7502; Longitude: 175.5428
Depth: 22.60 km

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