On 20 Mar 2012, at 19:42, "Ansgar Wiechers" <li...@planetcobalt.net> wrote:

> On 2012-03-19 Luca Pacor wrote:
>> On 19 Mar 2012, at 20:04, "Ansgar Wiechers" <li...@planetcobalt.net> wrote:
>>> On 2012-03-19 Luca Pacor wrote:
>>>> If that.domain is in mydestination everything @ that.domain is
>>>> delivered locally (wrong), if it's in transport everything will be
>>>> delivered to that.domain, including myuser (wrong)
>>> A domain can be either local or not. It cannot be both at the same
>>> time. Perhaps you could use a virtual alias to send mail for
>>> myuser@that.domain myuser@exchangeserver.local?
>> ... and how?...
>> I forgot to mention that I do have an entry in the alias table:
>> myuser.   myuser@that.domain
> From my understanding of your objective, the $virtual_alias_maps entry
> should look like this:
> myuser@that.domain  myuser@exchangeserver.local
> However, I didn't test it, so I'm not entirely sure it will work that
> way, since that.domain would be a relay domain in your scenario. Perhaps
> one of the more expirienced contributors to this list can provide a
> little more insight.
I'll try that one but I believe I was there already (I've tried so many 
combinations that I'm not sure anymore)

Thank you anyway!

> Regards
> Ansgar Wiechers
> --
> "Abstractions save us time working, but they don't save us time learning."
> --Joel Spolsky
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