On Sun, 11 Dec 2011 19:30:12 +0000 Duane Hill <duih...@gmail.com> wrote:
[snip] > > You could also use Dovecot LDA or LMTP. Dovecot will create > the directory structure automatically upon the first login or > message delivery. Wouldn't I lose Postfix' header and body processing if I did that? There's also the "+"d address support, .forward, etc. I think I can also handle the automatic creation of the ~/mail directory, and perhaps empty inbox mbox file, in the Linux user creation stuff. (Never looked into that yet.) Anyway: My question was more one of: If I wanted to do it the way I described: Were the configs I noted really all I need do? Regards, Jim -- Note: My mail server employs *very* aggressive anti-spam filtering. If you reply to this email and your email is rejected, please accept my apologies and let me know via my web form at <http://jimsun.LinxNet.com/contact/scform.php>.