Well a hash file would be the simplest thing to ensure that postfix is 
configured properly. I would have thought that all the information you need to 
see what is going on would be in the mail log and the mysql log.

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-----Original Message-----
From: lupin...@gmx.net
Sent: Dec 11, 2011 2:19 PM
To: postfix-users@postfix.org
Subject: Re: RE: virtual_alias_maps / mysql problem

thank you for you reply.
virtual_mailbox_domains is set, as is virtual_transport.
do you mean using a hash-file to test it or for permanent use?
there are some 500 mail-users on the server, who change relatively often and 
who have each a number of aliases..i´d rather avoid using a hash file, 
especially because the mysql-query is supposed to work =)

is there some handy way of testing, what postfix receives from this mysql-check?

best regards

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 14:04:15 +0000
> Von: James Day <james....@ontraq.com>
> An: "lupin...@gmx.net" <lupin...@gmx.net>, "postfix-users@postfix.org" 
> <postfix-users@postfix.org>
> Betreff: RE: virtual_alias_maps / mysql problem

> First make sure that the domain you are sending to is set as a virtual
> mailbox domain. It sounds like you've already set the virtual transport to
> dovecot which is right. If you think mysql is the issue try making a virtual
> alias maps hash file.
> ***Sent via RoadSync® for Android™
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lupin...@gmx.net
> Sent: Dec 11, 2011 1:21 PM
> To: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Subject: virtual_alias_maps / mysql problem
> Hello!
> i´m not quite sure if the problem is directly the virtual_alias_maps or
> something it interacts with, so to say.
> in main.cf i set
> virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual.cf
> unverified_recipient_reject_code = 550
> unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
> and in mysql-virtual.cf
> # the user name and password to log into the mysql server
> hosts =
> user = mailcheck
> password = secretpassword
> dbname = mails
> table = virtual
> select_field = dest
> where_field = alias
> now, if i try to send to an address on the server that does not exist, it
> should refuse, right? unfortunately it, postfix just hands it over to
> dovecot, as if everything was fine =(
> I´m currently not completely sure, if the problem lies with the
> postfix-configuration or with the mysql-query (e.g. if it always returns 
> "ok", even
> if the entry wasn´t found).
> But I´m currently not sure, how to test this. When i directly make the
> query in sql, it works fine (aka, it returns an empty result, if the
> mailaddress is not equal to one of the aliases).
> i also tried to change the mysql-virtual.cf so that it uses a query (query
> = SELECT dest FROM virtual WHERE alias = "%s";), but the behavior did not
> change. mind you, when there´s an error in this file, i can´t send any
> mails, so it seems to be used in some way or other. -_-;
> any hints would be appreciated =)
> best regards
> sil
> --
> --
> "Do you know what happens to a toad struck by lightning..?
> The same thing that happens to anything else..."
> --
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