On 2011-11-10 13:21, privat wrote:
After moving to a new host running Ubuntu 10.10 I get in outgoing mails
sent from account "privat" a From:-field

         From: privat<ulrich.laut...@t-online.de>

it used  to be before

         From: ulrich.laut...@t-online.de

These are headers; postfix does not "fix" them unless you explicitly tell it to.

The only way postfix will add a From: header /different from the envelope sender/ is when you submit mail via sendmail(1) that does not have one - and even then it is not the postfix smtp daemon that does this, strictly speaking; it is independent sendmail(1) functionality that works even when postfix is not running.

In sender_canonical I have
privat@localhost        ulrich.laut...@t-online.de

and in generic
privat@honolulu.local           ulrich.laut...@t-online.de

Postfix will apply one of the above, not both, to unqualified sender addresses (since one of the above will match unqualified sender addresses; it is hard to see how any sender could match both.)

hostname gives honolulu
domainname gives (none)

You should probably fix that, then.
Proper domain awareness is not a trivial afterthought in SMTP - it is in fact a core property intended to be able to identify mail systems and -hosts in SMTP conversations and log files.

I can, for example, tell that you haven't set this up properly by the simple fact that you have dual sender mappings - if you (and more relevantly, postfix) knew what was what, you would not need this.

(Granted, there are conceivable situations where you might want different outgoing sender mappings than global address mappings, but those are not likely to be among your objectives right now.)

so how can I get rid of the "privat" in the From: field?

Slightly related: how do I find the version of my postfix-installation?

    # postconf mail_version


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