* Gabriele Gabriele <d_gabri...@hotmail.it>:

> alias_maps = hash:/postfix/etc/aliases

> local_recipient_maps =
These must not be empty! Use the default (delete this line9

> luser_relay = /dev/null
remove this. There is no user "/dev/null"

> relay_domains = 
> $mydomain,aririeti.it,justprime.com,sabina.it,pippoborrello.com,htzen.com,geocon.it

OK. for each of those domains you need relay_recipient_maps, which
contain the valid recipient addresses, e.g.

relay_recipient_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aririeti.it, 
hash:/etc/postfix/justprime.com, ...

postmas...@aririeti.it OK
d_gabri...@aririeti.it OK

> smtpd_banner = ESMTP Mail System ready
OK, but why not use the default

> smtpd_client_restrictions = ignore_policy_error,check_policy_service 
> inet:localhost:4466
That is a patched postfix... 

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  Campus Benjamin Franklin
  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
  ralf.hildebra...@charite.de | http://www.charite.de

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