We currently have a system setup to allow mass mailings sent via a single one time address with an :include: statement that points to a list of local users. We would like to simplify the process by having this done using the existing mysql database of users based on their gid, but not sure how start implementing this. Any help would be much appreciated.
An example of the current config: /etc/postfix/massmaillist(.db): massmail-list-8vc8d0s8uy9...@localdomain.com :include:/etc/postfix/massmail/listofusers-group1 /etc/postfix/massmail/listofusers-group1: user1 user2 user3 user4 Sending to the email address massmail-list-8vc8d0s8uy9...@localdomain.com would result in the email being distributed to the four local users. Thanks.