* Axel Braun <axel.br...@gmx.de>: > Am Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011 schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter: > > > What is the problem? How can I enable SSL additionally? > > > > p@p:~$ grep smtps /etc/services > > ssmtp 465/tcp smtps # SMTP over SSL > > Thanks. I added the entra, restartet the network and postfix, but still dont > see SSL enabled....
You need to enable the 'smtps' service in Postfix master.cf. p@rick -- All technical questions asked privately will be automatically answered on the list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely required and justified. saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH): <http://postfix.state-of-mind.de/patrick.koetter/saslfinger/>