On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 00:08,  <m...@smtp.fakessh.eu> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 May 2011 00:03:26 +0200, Jeroen Geilman wrote:
>> On 05/26/2011 11:58 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> can somebody please remove the idiots from LinkedIn from
>>> mailing-lists?
>> s/from LinkedIn//
> go back home new guy

Wow, what a positive productive answer from the typical spoiled rotten
american. You do realize that 5% of you US-citizen (ab)use 26% of the
planet's resources? (I can post a reliable source for that if you
So, you should understand that 'new guys' and those who aren't at
'home' where you live should be proud to not be from the US, and YOU
should be ashamed of your 'home' and what it apparently stands for.
Jeroen posted a brilliant solution to the problem, be thankful that he
did and shut your overconsuming piehole. Try some modesty next time.



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