Hello Victor & Wietse,

Am 07.03.2011 19:48, schrieb Victor Duchovni:

Thanks for reviewing my package.

>> You must:
>> - Execute "postfix upgrade-configuration" after installing postfix.
>> - Respect pathname and mail_owner etc. settings in existing main.cf files.
> This is done:
>     \$BASEDIR/usr/sbin/chroot \$BASEDIR /usr/sbin/postfix set-permissions 
> upgrade-configuration \
>      setgid_group=$setgid_group mail_owner=$mail_owner

Respecting the mail_owner with a package is difficult. Directories in
/var/spool/postfix are deployed with the package and the the package
manager would complain during an upgrade, if the owner or permission
have changed.

> Largely the package looks good, the only nit I found is that all files
> in /etc/postfix are considered site-specific volatile, which is mostly
> harmless for now, but the assumption is unwarranted.

What would be the recommended way to deal with the configuration files
located in /etc/postfix?


ih...@dogan.ch        http://blog.dogan.ch/

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