Hi, sorry, if this question might sound a bit stupid, but if I specify relay_recipient_maps with all valid recipients that postfix should relay for, why does it need relay_domains set? As an example:
I have connected relay_domains to LDAP and have an object that returns all domains. I also have all users defined in LDAP (the mail addresses). dn: ou=virtualDomains,ou=mail,ou=it,dc=roessner-net,dc=de objectClass: rnsMSPostfixGroup objectClass: organizationalUnit objectClass: top ou: virtualDomains rnsMSVirtDomain: service.intern rnsMSVirtDomain: roessner-net.com rnsMSVirtDomain: testsetup.de rnsMSVirtDomain: roessner-network-solutions.com ... dn: uid=de10000,ou=users,ou=people,dc=roessner-net,dc=de objectClass: amavisAccount objectClass: top objectClass: rnsMSDovecotAccount objectClass: inetOrgPerson objectClass: organizationalPerson objectClass: person objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: rnsMSPostfixAccount ... rnsMSDeliverToAddress: de10000@service.intern rnsMSEnableDovecot: TRUE rnsMSEnablePostfix: TRUE rnsMSMailboxHome: /var/mail/virtual/de10000 rnsMSQuota: 5242880 rnsMSRecipientAddress: christ...@roessner-net.com rnsMSRecipientAddress: i...@roessner-net.com ... You see, the recipient address already specifies the domain (implicit). So why is relay_domains required, or isn't it and I just don't know how to unset it :) Thanks Christian