On 10/06/2010 09:48 PM, Larry Stone wrote:
On Wed, 6 Oct 2010, Jeroen Geilman wrote:

If the lists are managed by a listserv software such as mailman ...

Please excuse the brief aside but as someone who has been involved slightly with Mailman (as the author of some installation instructions), please do not use "listserv" as a generic term for a mailing list manager.

Well ex-squee-heeze me :)

Bigger names than on this list have, and do, call them "listservs".
But I won't, if it's that big a deal.

Listserv (with a capital L) is the trademarked name of a specific brand of mailing list management software that has nothing to do with Mailman or any other mailing list manager.

To call all mailing list managers "listservs" is as wrong as calling all MTAs "Postfixes". :-)

That would not be a bad idea.


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