--On Wednesday, September 15, 2010 2:19 PM +0200 Christian Rößner <c...@roessner-network-solutions.com> wrote:

Hi gain,

little question:

What about SASL-AUTH (i.e. EXTERNAL) and or Kerberos support in
ldap_table? I was looking for not binding with binddn/bindpw to my
LDAP-server and using something like authz-regexp to map the user. But
could not find the support in postfix :)

I wrote a patch to support SASL mechanisms when connecting to LDAP many years ago, and maintained for for a time. However, I left the job where I required it back in 2007, and didn't do much with it since that point in time. I have submitted that work to Victor Duchovni of the Postfix project, and it is my understanding he is looking at having it included in a future release. Stanford University may still have the original work I did on Postfix for this, since it was a requirement for their Postfix deployment. You may wish to ping them.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration

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