Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,

I use a Postfix 2.5.5, the one embeded in Debian Lenny.
I have to physically move the server to another hardware.

The server IP wont be the same (it doesn't matter, may be).

It's a receiving server so I dont want the move to generate greylist,
in order to disturb the least our users.

What would be your recommended way to copy greylisting informations?
- hard copying /var/lib/postgrey/ content
- scripting something (Perl with what modules?) to dump and restore db

Here is the /var/lib/postgrey/ structure in here:

  |-- __db.001
  |-- __db.002
  |-- __db.003
  |-- __db.004
  |-- __db.005
  |-- log.0000000054
  |-- postgrey.db
  |-- postgrey.lock
  `-- postgrey_clients.db

Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.

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