Dne 9.12.2009 v 09:45 Michal Kurka napsal(a):

> Dne 6.12.2009 v 10:41 Michal Kurka napsal(a):
> >     I need resolve whether incoming mail for the recipient accept or defer 
> > or reject according to some rule of local username(s) (of course, if the 
> > recipient corresponds to local username), before SMTP-command DATA.
> >     My idea is create own policy service. But I don't known how get 
> > username of local user (or list of users) for recipient address.
> I think, I can use internal Postfix's programs "trivial-rewrite" or 
> "verify". But there are no detail documentation for external usage. Maybe 
> somewhere exists documentation for developers, I don't known.
>     Prior to I will begin study source code of Postfix and experiment with 
> Postfix's programs via UNIX-sockets, I shall be happy to any information.

Because I have not got any answer, I tried trace an internal communication 
between postfix'es processes via UNIX-sockets. I discovered that 
"trivial-rewrite" only specifies transport or does a canonicalizing. 
    Process "verify" right tell that recipient address is alias to a 
concrete username. If recipient is aliased to more users, all usernames 
is announced.
    Now I'm trying use "verify" for my business. If simply execute 
"verify", it ends with error message in Log "fatal: service verify 
requires a process limit of 1".

Michal Kurka - Mysak
sluzby spojene s operacnim systemem Linux

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