On Donnerstag 23 Juli 2009 Benny Pedersen wrote:
> sieve is cool yes, but deliver to a mailfolder dont need sieve if you
> add + addressing

Yes, Benny, but

1) I need sieve to *decide* where the mail should be dropped. I receive 
mail to x...@y.z, which should go to folder AAA, so I'd need sieve to 
change this to x+...@y.z, and write this back to postfix. I have 
everything in sieve currently, and as I use dbmail too, I'd like to keep 
it this way so I only need to write a rule once.

2) On the page you told me, they write:
... to deliver to the folder 'extension' *in your maildir* ...
I *do not* have any maildir nor local user/store, it *must* be delivered 
by calling an external program, zarafa-dagent.

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