On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, post...@corwyn.net wrote:

> Everything is good in the preprod environment. BUT in the prod  
> environment if I have an account us...@example.com it works just fine. 
> However, when mail is sent to us...@example.com it also delivers, but 
> ends up creating a new file structure so I end up with:
> /var/spool/mail/example.com/user1  (with lower case mail in it)
> and
> /var/spool/mail/EXAMPLE.COM/USER1  (with  uppercase mail in it)
> which is decidedly not good. I know that postfix doesn't actually have 
> anything to do with the actual delivery of the mail -- it just hands off 
> to deliver. But I'm wondering if it's possibly changing the case (or not 
> as the case may be) somewhere I can't find.  I've gotten suggestions on 
> how to change dovecot's deliver to lc everything but I want to know 
> what's wrong with my config before I try to fix it (since clearly my 
> preprod and prod environments are different).

Note the different flags= specified in your pipe(8) to deliver in master.cf
when you inspect the file on your preprod and prod servers.

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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