Florian Piekert via Postfix-users:
> Hello all,
> I come back with maybe a general question about tlsrpt.
> My expectation was the following.
> I download the tlsrpt package for the tlsrpt C library and compiled & 
> installed it.
> I modified my pf configure script to use -DUSE_TLSRPT & so on & compiled & 
> installed pf
> I setup the environment for Python as shown on github as well
> I put the main.cf directives.
> And now what?
> What else do I need to have tlsrpt being produced & send out by my local pf 
> installation?
> I am a bit puzzled about the socket directive in main.cf, I put it to 
> /var/spool/postfix/run/tlsrpt/tlsrpt.socket but I do not see this file (I 
> even created the directories run/tlsrpt/ manually).
> Which process is supposed to create this socket file?

This is the job of the sys4 Pythin code:

- Receive datagrams from Postfix, with TLS handshake info.

- Once a day, send email to the contact address in remote TLSRPT policies.

> Further, and I guess it is all linked together (not linked in the ldd sense), 
> I get cores.
> ==> mail/mail.warn <==
> Nov 12 11:29:09 sonne postfix/tlsproxy[3242552]: warning: TLS library 
> problem: error:0A000102:SSL routines::unsupported 
> protocol:../ssl/statem/statem_srvr.c:1657:
> Nov 12 11:29:09 sonne postfix/master[3192017]: warning: process 
> /usr/lib/postfix/tlsproxy pid 3242552 killed by signal 11

Can you build non-stripped Postfix binaries, preferably withg debug info:

    make makefiles DEBUG=-g ...

As root:

    make upgrade

In master.cf, add "-D" (without the quotes) at the end of the tlsproxy line:

Edit main.cf following steps in https://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#gdb

That will log some line numbers that identify the point of failure.

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