On 11/20/2023 2:07 PM, Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users wrote:
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 11:02:15AM -0500, postfix--- via Postfix-users wrote:
You'd need to apply "body checks" to internally generated mail, which is
generally not recommended, and would apply regardless of context, not
just to bounced header-only content.
internal_mail_filter_classes = bounce
bounce_body_checks = pcre:{ {~^(Content-Type:\s*multipart/)~ X-$${1}}
bounce unix - - n - 0 bounce
-o { cleanup_service_name = bounce-cleanup }
bounce-cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup
-o { receive_override_options = no_milters }
-o { disable_mime_input_processing = no }
-o { body_checks = $bounce_body_checks }
-o { header_checks = }
-o { nested_header_checks = }
Thank you! This might work for us (and does for this specific test case).
But do I read you right that the danger is that if the full message is
returned in the third part of the report then this setup would alter those
headers as well (which would then presumably break the message, since it's
not meant to be headers-only)?
No. This will not break actual MIME headers in the returned message, but
may interfere with message content where the string:
Content-Type: multipart/mumble
occurs at the beginning of a message body line in contexts other than
returned headers. Note that the configuraion is narrowly targetting
just the "bounce" service, and enables only "body_checks". It is
as safe as I know how to make it...
The caveat is there to let you know that the rule is less surgically
precise than say a tailored Postfix feature to explicitly censor or
modify the headers to be included in a header-text-only bounce.
Given infinite cycles, Postfix would support some sort of
"header-checks" like syntax for deciding how to tweak the returned
headers. But the cost here should be borne by the guilty party (Amazon)
and not Postfix.
Barring more compelling use-cases, We should not go out of our way to
help their broken MTA work.
All understood, thanks again. Your suggestion is working fine for us.
For our purposes the risk of accidentally changing a body line that
starts with that particular text is low enough that we're not overly
concerned with it. In the meantime I do have the issue reported to
Amazon, hopefully good things will come of it.
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