a écrit :
> The problem still: users on vacation generate auto-response to incoming
> email id'd as spam. I use a recipient_delimiter and amavisd/spamassassin
> to flad incoming mail as spam with "+Spam". I'd really like to stop this
> to avoid backscatter issues, be a good netizen, and not validate
> addresses to spammers.
> After some discussion on the postfixadmin list about virtual vacation,
> they indicated that what the logs look like is that postfix is actually
> responding twice for these messages. 

This is non sense. postfix doesn't auto-respond to mail.

> Once goes through postfix directly
> and one goes through vacation, and that vacation is correctly dropping
> the messages.
> I have dovecot_destination_recipient_limit=1 and
> vacation_destination_recipient_limit=1
> [snip]

most probably, you omitted to read the docs and didn't disable address
rewrite before amavisd-new. reread the CONTENT FILTER README once more...

if it's not that, then let's please start from the beginning:

1- explain in _detail_ how mail reaches your vacation script.
2- show your

as you can understand, there's no vacation service inside postfix.

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