>> Hi all.
>> I use LMTP transport to deliver mails into Cyrus and when asking
>> DSN success I got an action "relayed".

> Besides final delivery, LMTP is also used to deliver mail into
> content filters.  The advantage of LMTP is that the protocol reports
> one end-of-message status for each recipient.
I didn't kown this usage

> - If the LMTP server announces DSN support then we know for sure
> that it is not doing final delivery.

> - If the LMTP server does not announce DSN support, then either it
> does final delivery, or it is poorly-implemented content filter.

> In terms of code, this would look like:
thanks, I tested successfully this approach, see below the resulting patch :

diff -crB postfix-2.5.6/src/global/mail_params.h 
*** postfix-2.5.6/src/global/mail_params.h      2008-07-27 19:10:27.000000000 
--- postfix-2.5.6-dsn/src/global/mail_params.h  2009-02-23 09:07:29.000000000 
*** 1046,1051 ****
--- 1046,1055 ----
  #define DEF_LMTP_PIX_DELAY    "10s"
  extern int var_smtp_pix_delay;

+ #define VAR_LMTP_ASSUME_FINAL "lmtp_assume_final"
+ extern bool var_lmtp_assume_final;
    * Courageous people may want to turn off PIX bug workarounds.
diff -crB postfix-2.5.6/src/smtp/lmtp_params.c 
*** postfix-2.5.6/src/smtp/lmtp_params.c        2008-01-14 20:42:07.000000000 
--- postfix-2.5.6-dsn/src/smtp/lmtp_params.c    2009-02-23 10:28:42.000000000 
*** 101,105 ****
--- 101,106 ----
        VAR_LMTP_SENDER_AUTH, DEF_LMTP_SENDER_AUTH, &var_smtp_sender_auth,
        VAR_LMTP_CNAME_OVERR, DEF_LMTP_CNAME_OVERR, &var_smtp_cname_overr,
+       VAR_LMTP_ASSUME_FINAL, DEF_LMTP_ASSUME_FINAL, &var_lmtp_assume_final,
diff -crB postfix-2.5.6/src/smtp/smtp.c postfix-2.5.6-dsn/src/smtp/smtp.c
*** postfix-2.5.6/src/smtp/smtp.c       2008-01-15 00:41:46.000000000 +0000
--- postfix-2.5.6-dsn/src/smtp/smtp.c   2009-02-23 13:57:37.000000000 +0000
*** 571,576 ****
--- 571,582 ----
  /* .IP "\fBsmtp_fallback_relay ($fallback_relay)\fR"
  /*    Optional list of relay hosts for SMTP destinations that can't be
  /*    found or that are unreachable.
+ /* .PP
+ /*      Available with Postfix 2.5 and later:
+ /* .IP "\fBlmtp_assume_final (no)\fR"
+ /*      Set LMTP transport as final delivery for DSN extension, so action
+ /*      value is "delivered" instead of "relayed" for SUCCESS notification.
+ /* .PP
  /*    generic(5), output address rewriting
  /*    header_checks(5), message header content inspection
*** 761,766 ****
--- 767,773 ----
  char   *var_smtp_mime_chks;
  char   *var_smtp_nest_chks;
  char   *var_smtp_body_chks;
+ bool  var_lmtp_assume_final;

   /* Special handling of 535 AUTH errors. */
  char   *var_smtp_sasl_auth_cache_name;
diff -crB postfix-2.5.6/src/smtp/smtp_rcpt.c 
*** postfix-2.5.6/src/smtp/smtp_rcpt.c  2006-01-07 21:16:40.000000000 +0000
--- postfix-2.5.6-dsn/src/smtp/smtp_rcpt.c      2009-02-23 11:04:56.000000000 
*** 116,121 ****
--- 116,122 ----

  /* Global library. */

+ #include <mail_params.h>
  #include <deliver_request.h>          /* smtp_rcpt_done */
  #include <deliver_completed.h>                /* smtp_rcpt_done */
  #include <sent.h>                     /* smtp_rcpt_done */
*** 141,151 ****
       * Note: the DSN action is ignored in case of address probes.
!     if (session->features & SMTP_FEATURE_DSN)
!       rcpt->dsn_notify &= ~DSN_NOTIFY_SUCCESS;

-     dsb_update(why, resp->dsn, "relayed", DSB_MTYPE_DNS, session->host,
-              DSB_DTYPE_SMTP, resp->str, "%s", resp->str);

      status = sent(DEL_REQ_TRACE_FLAGS(request->flags),
                  request->queue_id, &request->msg_stats, rcpt,
--- 142,162 ----
       * Note: the DSN action is ignored in case of address probes.
!     if (session->features & SMTP_FEATURE_DSN) {
!         /* delivery via pass-through content filter */
!         rcpt->dsn_notify &= ~DSN_NOTIFY_SUCCESS;
!         dsb_update(why, resp->dsn, "relayed", DSB_MTYPE_DNS, session->host,
!                    DSB_DTYPE_SMTP, resp->str, "%s", resp->str);
!     } else if (var_lmtp_assume_final == 0) {
!         /* backwards compatible */
!         dsb_update(why, resp->dsn, "relayed", DSB_MTYPE_DNS, session->host,
!                    DSB_DTYPE_SMTP, resp->str, "%s", resp->str);
!     } else {
!         /* assume final delivery */
!         dsb_update(why, resp->dsn, "delivered", DSB_MTYPE_DNS, session->host,
!                    DSB_DTYPE_SMTP, resp->str, "%s", resp->str);
!     }

      status = sent(DEL_REQ_TRACE_FLAGS(request->flags),
                  request->queue_id, &request->msg_stats, rcpt,

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