Hi All,

I'm simplifiying my life.  Amonst other things, that means I'm dropping
my business class DSL circuit and all of my involvement in projects,
documentation, anti-spam efforts, etc.

If somebody *qualified* wants to officially take over maintenance of
Pflogsumm, please speak up.

"Qualified" means at least as knowledgable as I about Perl (not
too-difficult a hurdle) and not the type to bloat a utility beyond all
reason by bowing to every piddling little feature request everybody
asks for in a bid to retain the popularity of your project.

If somebody has a recommentation for another individual, that, too, is

I hope those of you that have used it have found pflogsumm useful, and
I'll take this opportunity to again thank the various contributors,
over the years.

Note: My mail server employs *very* aggressive anti-spam
filtering.  If you reply to this email and your email is
rejected, please accept my apologies and let me know via my
web form at <http://jimsun.linxnet.com/contact/scform.php>.

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