Paul Cocker wrote:
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
my $valid_recpts = "/home/exchange/virtual.txt"; # original
file from exchange my $relay_recps =
"/home/exchange/relay_recipients"; # final file that will be
postmapped my $dos2unix = `/usr/bin/dos2unix $valid_recpts`;
# fix those pesky differences between dos en unix my
$postfix_relayrcpts = "/etc/postfix/relay_recipients.db"; #
final relay_recipients map my $relay_recpsdb =
"/home/exchange/relay_recipients.db"; # original relay_recipients map
open(VALID,"< $valid_recpts") or die "$!\n"; open(RELAY,">
$relay_recps") or die "$!\n";
while(<VALID>) {
next unless $_ =~ /^.*(smtp:)(.*\.nl)$/i;
print RELAY "$2\tOK\n";
chown exchangeuser, exchangeuser, $valid_recpts; # otherwise
exchange cannot overwrite it
my $postmap = `/usr/sbin/postmap $relay_recps`;
move($relay_recpsdb, $postfix_relayrcpts);
For me this generates the error:
Bareword "exchange" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
./parserelay line 23.
Bareword "exchange" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at
./parserelay line 23.
Execution of ./parserelay aborted due to compilation errors.
That script has been line-wrapped badly. The quirky commenting style doesn't
help, since putting comments on code lines makes for very long lines. Fix
the line wrapping, and the script may well work.
Even if you don't know Perl, unwrapping that mess should be pretty easy.
Perl lines logically end with a ';' and comments start with a '#' and that
should be enough Perl syntax for you to repair the mangling of what above
are lines 7-17 (should be 7-11, with 'my' as the first token on each of
those) and lines 22-23.