Hi again!
Before anything sorry for my english.
I read the docs and, if I understood correctly, when I want to filter a
recipient in a relay system I need to use relay_recipient_maps, right?
The relay_domains parameter lists domains you host but final
delivery is done somewhere else, such as an internal server.
Valid recipients for those domains are listed in
relay_recipient_maps, postfix will reject any recipient not
Ok... but my problem continue.
Let try to explain better.
I want to delivery mail to a Lotus Dominos server that use the concept
of "Groups".
This "Groups" means a internally named group, in the Dominos server,
with a list of users that receive mail when anybody send mail to it.
Looks like a mailman system with exception that those "Groups" don't
have an external mail address.
If they don't have an external mail address, postfix won't be
able to send them mail no matter what you do.
One example of this is a group named "%managers".
So... this is my big problem... how can I relay mails to these groups
since they don't have any domains like @example.com?
Seems as if you need to configure Lotus to accept external
mail to your group names. I have no idea how to do that.
Good luck.
Noel Jones