Quanah Gibson-Mount:
> --On Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:57 AM -0400 Victor Duchovni 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Your mental model of this is flawed. Postfix runs hundreds of cleanup
> > servers, hundreds of smtpd servers, further-more, if tables are not
> > carefully defined to have identical values for connection-related
> > parameters, multiple connections may be made from the same process.
> >
> > Listen carefully when Wietse and I recommend "proxymap".
> >
> > Step 1:     migrate to "proxy:ldap:" tables
> >
> > Step 2: debug any problems that remain after Step 1.
> In the end, the problem had zero to do with LDAP, startTLS, or whether or 
> not proxymap was used.  The end problem was the default per-user process 
> limit on OSX, which defaults to 266.  Since our postfix config has a 
> default max process of 100 each for smtp, etc, we easily surpassed that 
> default limit on OSX.  After fixing that, there were no issues, with or 
> without proxymap, with or without startTLS for the connection to LDAP. 
> Which is more to my expectations, given how robust and performant OpenLDAP 
> is.

To help other people who run into this same system-specific gotcha,
would you share the solution with the mailing list? I really can't
explore the gory kernel details of every system myself.


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