Hello All :-) I am using eclipse - and there is a port for R4.24. Many thanks to the creator and those who keep it alive!!! It would be nice to have a newer version - like R4.32. I am working to get a build for FreeBSD and took a lot of stuff from the existing port R4.24. My first step is to get a "compilation" process pass through, then check if it works and then make a port. The latter I don't have experience - but if this would work - I would like to be the maintainer of eclipse - as long as I can.
Actually I made changes in adding files and patches - and the compilation process is passing nearly 90% of all steps. But for SWT Linux tests I have problems: # export ARCH=$(uname -p) # export JAVA_HOME="/usr/local/openjdk17" # export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m" # mvn -DskipTests=true -Dnative=gtk.freebsd.${ARCH} clean verify ... [INFO] [bundle] Example for Eclipse URI Scheme Handling 1.2.300-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.915 s] [INFO] [bundle] Tabbed Properties View Article Example 3.4.300-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.755 s] [INFO] [bundle] Examples of Eclipse Forms 3.4.100-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.906 s] [INFO] [bundle] Examples for Generic Editor 1.3.400-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 1.213 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.platform.doc.tips 0.3.100-SNAPSHOT ..... SUCCESS [ 0.497 s] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Tools Base 3.107.600-SNAPSHOT ......... SUCCESS [ 1.230 s] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Tools Spy 3.109.400-SNAPSHOT .......... SUCCESS [ 1.245 s] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Tools 3.110.400-SNAPSHOT .............. SUCCESS [ 1.447 s] [INFO] [aggregator] bundles 4.32.0-SNAPSHOT ............... SUCCESS [ 0.003 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.swt.fragments.localbuild 3.105.0-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.126 s] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Standalone Examples Plugin 3.108.400-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 1.736 s] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Browser Demos Plugin 3.108.400-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.780 s] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Launcher Example Plugin 3.108.300-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.727 s] [INFO] org.eclipse.swt.examples.ole.win32 3.109.100-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 1.392 s] [INFO] [bundle] SWT Views Example Plugin 3.108.400-SNAPSHOT SUCCESS [ 0.649 s] [INFO] [feature] SWT Tools 3.109.400-SNAPSHOT ............. SUCCESS [ 0.469 s] *[INFO] [test-bundle] Eclipse SWT Tests Linux/gtk 3.109.0-SNAPSHOT FAILURE [ 0.099 s] *[INFO] [bundle] Coordinator 1.5.300-SNAPSHOT .............. SKIPPED [INFO] [bundle] Meta Type 1.6.600-SNAPSHOT ................ SKIPPED [INFO] [bundle] User Admin Service 1.3.100-SNAPSHOT ....... SKIPPED [INFO] [bundle] Configuration Admin 1.6.100-SNAPSHOT ...... SKIPPED [INFO] [bundle] Device Access Service 1.2.100-SNAPSHOT .... SKIPPED [INFO] [feature] Equinox Compendium SDK 3.23.100-SNAPSHOT . SKIPPED [INFO] [bundle] Aspect Weaving Hooks Plug-in 1.4.100-SNAPSHOT SKIPPED ... Actually I have a problem to fix this step. Maybe someone would have an idea what could happen or where to look inside... All the best, Norbert -- I love penguins at the south pole, windows in my house and apples on my tree, but not in my computer :)