On Fri, Jul 26, 2024 at 05:14:31PM -0700, Mark Millard wrote:

I assume that this wording is about having amd64 with qemu attempting
bulk -a for building amv7 packages, not about having aarch64 (without
qemu) bulk -a with armv7 jails do so (which are now being done). Have
I got that right?

If spreading the package-building load around more to amd64 contexts
was a goal, and if amd64 with qemu worked well for aarch64, one could
imagine having some of the aarch64 package builds on amd64 but all
the armv7 ones on the ampere*'s. This may be more likely to work
better overall than amd64 with qemu ever handling a 32-bit context
well (armv7 here).

Sort of adjacent to this discussion, but here's an idea:

Don't have tier2 platforms building on the same machinery as tier1.
That way, issues like armv7 builds (for ports) running forever
will never delay aarch64. Sure to be other issues that can be sidestepped
with such an approach.

Just a suggestion.

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