Hello Matthias, For a quick look we have around 15 ports using gomod workaround including one of "mine" ports: dns/blocky. For some time I was wandering if this problem is upstream responsability to solve since most go projects have goproxy thing setup correctly.
Anyway, I'm happy that your review lands. Extension looks good. Thanks! Matthias Fechner <mfech...@freebsd.org> escreveu (sexta, 28/06/2024 à(s) 13:39): > Hi, > > I have the use-case from some ports I maintain which are related or are > based on go. > > Upstream does not provide the go.mod via goproxy but e.g. only on gitlab > or github. > Therefor the go modules approve to build the port is not possible. > > The extension enables the go.mk to more flexibly download the go.mod > from different sources. > > Would be nice if some can have a look to the review: > https://reviews.freebsd.org/D45631 > > and share your opinion. > The modification is designed to have no effect to existing ports/packages. > > Thanks a lot! > > Gruß > Matthias > > -- > > "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to > build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to > produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." -- > Rich Cook > > > -- Nuno Teixeira FreeBSD UNIX: <edua...@freebsd.org> Web: https://FreeBSD.org