I've been doing some poudriere bulk testing of RAM+SWAP use by some package build activity recently. The below is based on using amd64 Hyper-V to run FreeBSD with 2 GiBYTes of RAM and 4 single-thread cores. But it should give a reasonable idea for aarch64 and indicate the direction for armv7 for such core counts. (The amd64 Hyper-V context in use takes far less time for an experiment, like hours instead of days for the RPi4B overclocked and for the OrangePi+2ed .)
I started with my normal build context analogous to what I use on aarch64 and armv7 systems: A) BE_NATIVE instead of BE_STANDARD B) No MLIR The examples here are poudriere bulk single-builders, effectively with MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER_LIMIT=4. I use a modified version of top that tracks and reports various MAXimum OBServed ("MaxObs") figures and a little more. For building with BE_AMDGPU enabled: RAM: 1402Mi MaxObsActive 807392Ki MaxObsWired 1944Mi MaxObs(Act+Wir+Lndry) SWAP: 5329Mi MaxObsUsed RAM+SWAP: 6534Mi MaxObs(Act+Lndry+SwapUsed) 7089Mi MaxObs(A+Wir+L+SU) [Abbreviating more what is not additional] 7254Mi (A+W+L+SU+InAct) [Abbreviating more what is not additional] (The 7254Mi (A+W+L+SU+InAct) is from when 7089Mi MaxObs(A+Wir+L+SU) was live but is not a MaxObs [MAXimum OBServed] figure itself.) The peak RAM+SWAP is during llvm-tblgen for AMDGPU related materials. For building with BE_AMDGPU disabled: RAM: 1401Mi MaxObsActive 786872Ki MaxObsWired 1944Mi MaxObs(Act+Wir+Lndry) SWAP: 1252Mi MaxObsUsed RAM+SWAP: 2613Mi MaxObs(Act+Lndry+SwapUsed) 3160Mi MaxObs(A+Wir+L+SU) [Abbreviating more what is not additional] 3190Mi (A+W+L+SU+InAct) [Abbreviating more what is not additional] (The 3190Mi (A+W+L+SU+InAct) is from when 3160Mi MaxObs(A+Wir+L+SU) was live but is not a MaxObs [MAXimum OBServed] figure itself.) The around 7254Mi/3190Mi =approx.= 2.27 suggests that low-end build-machine activity that does not need to build BE_AMDGPU possibly should have devel/llvm18 configured to avoid BE_AMDGPU . Notes: The 2 GiBytes of RAM forces memory pressure required to observe reasonable RAM+SWAP usage figures, at least for package builds needing a sufficient about RAM+SWAP. === Mark Millard marklmi at yahoo.com