26.03.2024 19:37, SirDice wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 1:34 AM Eugene Grosbein <eu...@grosbein.net
> <mailto:eu...@grosbein.net>> wrote:
> 26.03.2024 3:37, Wall, Stephen wrote:
>> There is a third option. Create both p5-DBD-mysql4 and
>> p5-DBD-mysql5 using the respective versions, and turn p5-DBD-mysql
>> into a meta-port that uses DEFAULT_VERSIONS to select one of the
>> two numbered ports.  There is precedent for this in the current
>> ports tree, but I can’t comment on how well it works or if it
>> solves any of your problems.
> I like this. Besides, I suggest adding flavours for noted meta-port 
> so that our cluster would build ready-to-install packages for both
> variants.
> That would be the case with two slave ports and a master port too.
> But flavors would allow me to consolidate everything into a single
> port. Can you use FLAVOR to pick a different PORTVERSION? If that's
> possible a v4 and v5 'flavor' (with the default on v4) sounds good
> too. Do you know of a port that I could look at?

Technically, you are not obliged to use upstream version for PORTVERSION.
Take a look at security/gost-engine. It uses different upstream branches
being built with openssl-1.1.1 or openssl-3.0.x, hence different PORTVERSION.

$ make -VPORTVERSION FLAVOR=base # in case of FreeBSD 13
$ make -VPORTVERSION FLAVOR=openssl30

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