
I did a little survey on PHP PECL ports and found that almost half of the PECL ports (27 out of 68) have PEAR listed as the second category. I believe this is a mistake and PECL ports should not be listed in the PEAR category because PECL [1] ports are PHP extensions (wrappers for C libraries), but PEAR [2] ports are libraries written in PHP.

Or did I miss something and there is a reasonable reason for PECL ports to be also listed in the PEAR category?

These are 27 ports:

archivers/pecl-lzf        archivers pear
archivers/pecl-rar        archivers pear
databases/pecl-mongodb    databases pear
databases/pecl-rrd        databases pear
devel/pecl-dio            devel pear
devel/pecl-excimer        devel pear
devel/pecl-expect         devel pear
devel/pecl-uploadprogress devel pear
devel/pecl-uuid           devel pear
devel/pecl-vld            devel pear
devel/pecl-xdebug         devel pear
graphics/pecl-qrencode    graphics pear
net-im/pecl-stomp2        net-im pear
net/pecl-amqp             net pear
net/pecl-oauth2           net pear
net/pecl-radius           net security pear
net/pecl-rdkafka          net pear
net/pecl-smbclient        net pear
net/pecl-xmlrpc           net pear
security/pecl-krb5        security pear
security/pecl-mcrypt      security pear
security/pecl-pam         security pear
security/pecl-scrypt      security pear
security/pecl-ssh2        security pear
sysutils/pecl-proctitle   sysutils pear
textproc/pecl-xdiff2      textproc pear
textproc/pecl-yaml        textproc pear

Should I submit a PR with a patch for all 27 ports?

[1] https://pecl.php.net/
[2] https://pear.php.net/

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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