On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 2:31 PM Aryeh Friedman <aryehfriedman@gmailcom> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 2:22 PM Florian Smeets <f...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> > - The port does not adapt to infrastructure changes (i.e. USE_STAGE,
> > MANPREFIX, compiler updates, etc.) within 6 months. Ports should be set
> > to DEPRECATED after 3 months and can be removed after 6
> Does this include special cases such as the following comment in
> devel/aegis/Makefile (which I am the maintainer of and since the
> upstream is "dead" it was a single person who died in 2012)?
> # XXX Manpages are installed into ${DATADIR} too -- there's no easy way to
> #     stop this because we don't have Makefile.am provided.  Maintainer will
> #     sort this with upstream.
> Note I have updated everything to be built with the latest llvm and stuff.

That comment was written well before we had staging support and it is
simple enough to delete unwanted files from STAGEDIR before they are
packaged, but I'm not seeing any manpages in DATADIR anyways, so that
comment seems irrelevant. This port was fixed in [1] to install the
manpages in share/man, so I don't think there is a problem.
Unfortunately, some projects die with their authors, but if you still
find the project useful and are willing to maintain it and keep it
working with the latest libraries and llvm updates, I don't see why it
would be up for removal and don't get that vibe from this policy. With
all of the patches though, it might be worthwhile to make a fork of
the project and create a new release.



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