Mark Millard <> wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2024, at 01:06, Michael Grimm <> wrote:

>> Possible solutions:
>> 1) dns/knot3-lib should store its libraries and includes into a different 
>> location as dns/knot3 does
> A variation of that is that dns/knot-resolver has its own files
> in its own locations for such, no dns/knot3-lib port involved.
>> 2) discard dns/knot3-lib and make dns/knot3 and dns/knot-resolver mutually 
>> dependent
>> 3) …?
> "..." might be: dns/knot3 uses the files from dns/knot3-lib instead of
> installing its own and so has both a build dependency on dns/knot3-lib
> and a run-time dependency on dns/knot3-lib . dns/knot-resolver also
> then has such ( and no dependency on dns/knot3 ). The run-time dependency
> leads to installation of either dns/knot3 or dns/knot-resolver first
> installing dns/knot3-lib if it is not already installed. Uninstalling
> dns/knot3-lib would lead to both dns/knot3 or dns/knot-resolver being
> uninstalled if both were installed. The build time dependencies lead to
> dns/knot3-lib being built first and being installed before builds of
> either dns/knot3 or dns/knot-resolver if dns/knot3-lib is not already
> installed. (In poudriere such build time install of dns/knot3-lib is
> temporary and internal to the build activity.)
> This allows both  dns/knot3 and dns/knot-resolver to be installed
> in the same jail "simultaneously". (It does not matter which is
> installed first vs. second in the sequence of installs.)
> I do not know which way is simpler to support. That likely is dependent
> on details I'm ignorant of. All look to be technically possible.

FYI: I do prefer your "…" solution and opened

Thanks for your input and kind regards,

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