Moin Rahman <> wrote:

>> On Feb 25, 2024, at 6:15 PM, Michael Grimm <> wrote:

>> P.S. Please forgive my lack in experience with PRs ;-)
>>    Please let me know, what to correct if neccessary
> Well as a starter:
> 1. You do not need PORTREVISION when you already bumping PORTVERSION or 
> updating versions. I will fix it while committing.
> 2. Follow this process:
>   a. Initially create the PR with synopsis and description.
>   b. Create git-formatted patch
>   c. Read this section of the documentation:
>   d. Specially the git hook part and try to use the hook from here:
>   e. Now make a commit to your local branch with the description, PR etc 
> whatever is relevant.
>   f. Create a git formatted patch and attach it to the PR.
> While people think this is difficult workflow it actually makes our life 
> easier as we also have to do the same and also helps us attributing external 
> developers more easily.

Many thanks, I will follow your advice in the future!
Especially about d) (hook) I have been totally unaware.


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