On Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 09:53:48PM +0100, Moin Rahman wrote:
> In some earlier versions the sample config we used to ship had relative
> file paths I believe. And as I know that Bob has been a long term user
> he indeed did not update the config file to the newer format where we
> are using absolute filenames despite having directory directive.

In fact I kept the new named.conf and edited the local changes to it. 
The old named.conf was quite old and didn't resemble the new format.
> So unless you know both the technical implications which you have
> explained here and the historical implication it's difficult to
> understand where these directories should be created.

It's fair to say I'm a long-time user of bind, but equally fair
to add "...not fully comprehending...". 8-)

A few comments in named.conf as to directory and file  purpose 
would have helped quite a bit. When I saw the error referring 
to "...dumping..." I thought it was a reference to 
dump-file       "/var/dump/named_dump.db";
and when that didn't help got stuck. It remains unclear what 
dump-file is for, though I'm sure it's somewhere in the docs. 
Maybe cores? 

Is it still true that unbound is caching-only? A DNS that's part
of FreeBSD base would be much better for me.

Thanks for everyone's help!

bob prohaska


Named.conf has so many comments it's somewhat hard to read, but in some
cases more might still be better.
> But then again I haven't used bind for a long time so cannot say much.
> Kind regards,
> Moin

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