Yuri <yuri_at_FreeBSD.org> wrote on Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 01:57:55 UTC : > I think that this section > https://wiki.freebsd.org/Python/PortsPolicy#Prefixing_.28py-.2A.29 > should be amended: > > Examples of compelling cases: > > * The port is a program, and not a library. > > > There is no need to have flavors for Python ports that build only > programs and don't build libraries.
I was curious what *.pkg file names from my last ulk -a run had the py[0-9]*-*.pkg sort of naming with multiple py[0-9]*- prefxes for the same suffix. This is for without use of BUILD_ALL_PYTHON_FLAVORS when py39 was the default. Note that I've not analyzed which ones might not be from Python ports vs. those that are for the purpose of the note. Similarly, I've not analyzed which might be libraries vs. which are programs (in your terminology). I've only isolated the naming structure below. As the build was for a default of py39, I omit the py39- prefixed naming examples below, just showing the extras. py310-build-0.10.0_2.pkg py311-build-0.10.0_2.pkg py38-build-0.10.0_2.pkg py27-cython-0.29.36.pkg py310-cython-0.29.36.pkg py311-cython-0.29.36.pkg py38-cython-0.29.36.pkg py310-cython-devel-3.0.4.pkg py311-cython-devel-3.0.4.pkg py38-cython-devel-3.0.4.pkg py310-cython3-3.0.6.pkg py311-cython3-3.0.6.pkg py38-cython3-3.0.6.pkg py27-dnspython1-1.16.0.pkg py310-flit-core-3.9.0.pkg py311-flit-core-3.9.0.pkg py38-flit-core-3.9.0.pkg py27-future-0.18.3.pkg py27-game_sdl2-7.4.11_3.pkg py310-gdbm-3.10.13_7.pkg py311-gdbm-3.11.7_7.pkg py38-gdbm-3.8.18_7.pkg py310-installer-0.7.0.pkg py311-installer-0.7.0.pkg py38-installer-0.7.0.pkg py310-numpy-1.25.0_3,1.pkg py311-numpy-1.25.0_3,1.pkg py310-packaging-23.2.pkg py311-packaging-23.2.pkg py38-packaging-23.2.pkg py310-pyproject_hooks-1.0.0_2.pkg py311-pyproject_hooks-1.0.0_2.pkg py38-pyproject_hooks-1.0.0_2.pkg py310-setuptools-63.1.0_1.pkg py311-setuptools-63.1.0_1.pkg py38-setuptools-63.1.0_1.pkg py310-setuptools58-58.5.3_3.pkg py311-setuptools58-58.5.3_3.pkg py38-setuptools58-58.5.3_3.pkg py27-sqlite3-2.7.18_7.pkg py310-sqlite3-3.10.13_7.pkg py311-sqlite3-3.11.7_7.pkg py38-sqlite3-3.8.18_7.pkg py27-tkinter-2.7.18_7.pkg py310-tkinter-3.10.13_7.pkg py311-tkinter-3.11.7_7.pkg py38-tkinter-3.8.18_7.pkg py310-tomli-2.0.1_2.pkg py311-tomli-2.0.1_2.pkg py38-tomli-2.0.1_2.pkg py310-wheel-0.42.0.pkg py311-wheel-0.42.0.pkg py38-wheel-0.42.0.pkg The following did not have an alternate prefix, not even py39- : py38-pkgutil-resolve-name-1.3.10.pkg py310-reals-0.0.5.pkg py27-setuptools44-44.1.1_1.pkg py310-truststore-0.8.0.pkg That is it for the non-BUILD_ALL_PYTHON_FLAVORS style of "bulk -a" that I did in 2023-Dec-18/19. === Mark Millard marklmi at yahoo.com