On Feb 15, 2024, at 01:49, Tomoaki AOKI <junch...@dec.sakura.ne.jp> wrote:

> Dropping freebsd-current ML as this doesn't related current (main) but
> deprecated release (12.4).
> Dropping freebsd-arm ML as I'm not subscribed and surely be bounced,
> and the problem is ports specific.
> Adding freebsd-ports ML as this is ports related.
> Commented inline below.
> On Wed, 14 Feb 2024 19:15:43 -0800
> Mark Millard <mark...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> On Feb 14, 2024, at 18:23, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:
>>> You may need to grab the repo. You may have to back up to December's ports 
>>> tree...
>> My understanding was that portsnap was staying installed
>> on 13.*-RELEASE until the last version is EOL and that
>> portsnap servers would be kept operational with valid
>> content until then.
>> I would have guessed that this would mean that 12.4-RELEASE
>> or the like would also be able to use the portsnap it
>> contains over that same time frame.
>> Am I wrong?
>> As stands, git use on 12.4-RELEASE would require bootstrapping
>> git somehow, possibly via portsnap, building git, and then
>> installing git (and the other stuff required).
>> (Not that I use portsnap.)
> Me too don't use portsnap, but if you want to switch to git, maybe
> installing git from pkg (as 12.x is already EoL'ed, extract git.pkg
> from disc1.iso for armv7, install it)

There is/was no armv7 disc1.iso (or dvd1.iso) to do
this with.


has only the following for 12.4-RELEASE for armv7:


No dvd1/disc1/memstick material was ever produced for
armv7 12.4-RELEASE (or for any other armv7 release as
far as I know). None of the above *.img.xz files
includes any installed port-packages, nor a populated
/usr/ports/ tree.

But the /usr/ports/ tree could be extracted from a
*.iso or *.img that is not for the armv7 but happens
to contain a /usr/ports/ : /usr/ports/ is not platform
specific in its content. (Avoid powerpc* because of
big endian file system issues?)

> and clone repo into
> clean /usr/ports would be better not to poisoning by different metadata.
> And check out the ports tree of which just befere 12.4 was obsoleted.
> After that, ports tree starts dropping support for 12.x.
> Additional note:
> I myseld don't even tried, but for portsnap users who needs (forced)
> to switch to git, net/gitup could be your friend.
> IIUC, it would be something like csup for cvs or svnup for subversion.
>>> Warner 
>>> On Wed, Feb 14, 2024, 5:51 PM Mario Marietto <marietto2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello.
>>> After a lot of work I've been able to install FreeBSD 12.04 for armv7 on my 
>>> ARM Chromebook. Now I would like to install some ports. This is what 
>>> happens when I try to get a fresh ports tree :
>>> marietto@freebsd:/usr # sudo portsnap fetch extract
>>> ....
>>> /usr/ports/databases/py-sqlalchemy10/
>>> /usr/ports/databases/py-sqlalchemy11/
>>> /usr/ports/databases/py-sqlalchemy12/
>>> /usr/ports/databases/py-sqlalchemy13/
>>> /usr/ports/databases/py-sqlalchemy14/
>>> /usr/ports/databases/py-sqlalchemy20/
>>> /usr/ports/databases/py-sqlcipher3/
>>> files/edd962f76ea4b5869f3c6f8ee5438fb9750b802d02bb8035fe1b7bd0a8ba7401.gz 
>>> not found -- snapshot corrupt.
>>> I repeated the "portsnap fetch extract" command,but I always get the same 
>>> error.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com

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