Le 11/02/2024 18:14, Patrick M. Hausen a écrit :
Hi all, hi Xavier,

Am 11.02.2024 um 18:06 schrieb Xavier Humbert <xav...@groumpf.org>:
Today, I upgraded php (and its extensions) from 8.1 to 8.2, via portupgrade. 
Quite painful, btw, unless you script it

Unfortunately, php.ini  was not updated, the line

     extension_dir = "/usr/local/lib/php/20220829-zts"

had to be manually fixed

Is this the expected behaviour ?  UPDATING does not mention it.
None of the PHP ports installs php.ini - they only provide sample files
for various usage scenarios (development, production).

So you copied one of them one time in the past and the burden of
keeping it updated is on the administrator.

Not claiming this is the best imaginable behaviour, but I'm pretty sure
this is the current state of affairs.

Kind regards,

Oh ! It was such a long time ago, I forgot it :-)



Xavier HUMBERT - Unix/Win/MacOSX Sysadmin/Network Engineer

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