On 03/02/2024 16:24, Andrea Venturoli wrote:

I've got a 13.2p9/amd64 server where I have a jail dedicated to ElasticSearch+Kibana and I'm having troubles starting and stopping the latter.

# pkg info | grep -E "(elastic|kibana)"
elasticsearch8-8.11.3          Distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine kibana8-8.11.3                 Browser based analytics and search interface to ElasticSearch py39-elasticsearch-7.17.9      Official Python low-level client for Elasticsearch
py39-elasticsearch-dsl-7.3.0   High level Python client for Elasticsearch

# cat /etc/rc.conf

First problem

When I start the jail (with "ezjail-admin start") Elastic starts, but Kibana does not.
syslog shows:
[2024-02-03T16:14:21.861+01:00][INFO ][root] Kibana is starting
[2024-02-03T16:14:21.939+01:00][INFO ][root] Kibana is shutting down
[2024-02-03T16:14:21.939+01:00][FATAL][root] Reason: EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/run/kibana.pid'
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/run/kibana.pid'

 FATAL  Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/var/run/kibana.pid'

Same happens if I try "service kibana start" afterwards from inside the jail.
I can get around this with:
# touch /var/run/kibana.pid
# chown www /var/run/kibana.pid
# service kibana start

However this must be done manually everytime I need to restart the server or jail.

Both, the first and the second problem are caused by permissions problem on PID file. I no longer use Kibana, but if Kibana is running as user www and tries to write to /var/run/ as that user, it must fail. But a quick look at the rc.d/kibana [1] show that the PID file should be written to subdirectory /var/run/kibana/kibana.pid

Do you have any local modification to the path of the PID file? (for example, in the kibana.yml file)

/var/run/kibana/ is created by rc.d/kibana with the correct owner and permissions, so "it should work".

Try to figure out why your Kibana is trying to write /var/run/kibana.pid instead of /var/run/kibana/kibana.pid.

Second problem

When I try to stop Kibana, it just hangs indefinitely:
 # service kibana stop
Stopping kibana.
Waiting for PIDS: 28179

syslog reports:
[2024-02-03T16:20:22.309+01:00][INFO ][root] SIGTERM received - initiating shutdown
[2024-02-03T16:20:22.309+01:00][INFO ][root] Kibana is shutting down
[2024-02-03T16:20:22.311+01:00][INFO ][plugins-system.standard] Stopping all plugins. [2024-02-03T16:20:22.314+01:00][INFO ][plugins.monitoring.monitoring.kibana-monitoring] Monitoring stats collection is stopped [2024-02-03T16:20:22.323+01:00][INFO ][plugins-system.standard] All plugins stopped. [2024-02-03T16:20:22.324+01:00][WARN ][environment] Detected an unhandled Promise rejection: Error: EACCES: permission denied, unlink '/var/run/kibana.pid'

^^^ PID file cannot be deleted as user www because parent dir is owned by root and no one else can write to it.

[1] https://cgit.freebsd.org/ports/tree/textproc/kibana8/files/kibana.in

Kind regards
Miroslav Lachman

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