When I say 'disappear', I mean this:

root@metatron:~ # date
Tue Nov 21 12:41:35 PST 2023

root@metatron:~ # ls -d /usr/ports/*/*google*chrom*

root@metatron:~ # pkg search ungoogled-chromium
root@metatron:~ #

It would be nice if packages didn't disappear and reappear. Can't we just save the last successful build?



On 11/21/23 07:39, Richard Childers wrote:

I was using ungoogled-chromium and I had 60+ tabs that I can now not get back because ungoogled-chromium has been withdrawn from circulation.

why are these packages appearing and disappearing? If it's a package, it's supposed to be good enough to public use. The experimental stuff is supposed to stay in the ports section, not be promoted to packages.

FreeBSD used to hold itself to a higher standard than Linux; it stood for STABILITY. Linux stood for EXPERIMENTATION.

What happened? Is FreeBSD being run by college kids now?

The quality of FreeBSD needs to be detached from the class projects you're working on to graduate. That's what Linux is for, in my opinion.

FreeBSD user since 1994.



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