I’d prefer to keep this technical and on point. It feels like more deflecting 
responsibility with a mix of ad hominem.

Who owns ca_root_nss? Why are the last multiple commits a source for multiple 
regressions? There is no lack of communications and commit trail, but if you 
want to deflect I don’t mind leaving it at that.


> On 7. Oct 2023, at 14:28, Moin Rahman <b...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> On Oct 7, 2023, at 2:15 PM, Franco Fichtner <fra...@lastsummer.de> wrote:
>>>> On 7. Oct 2023, at 14:09, Dag-Erling Smørgrav <d...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> Franco Fichtner <fra...@lastsummer.de> writes:
>>>> See 
>>>> https://lists.freebsd.org/archives/freebsd-ports/2023-September/004451.html
>>> This has nothing to do with me or my work.  When can I expect your
>>> apology?
>> For raising technical issues while trying to contact me in private? I fail 
>> to see why.
>> Cheers!
> Hi Franco,
> I do not know your background neither do I want to but so far what I have 
> seen from your posts/mail is that you are unnecessarily trying to drag the 
> FreeBSD developers in stress everywhere. An open source project does not work 
> like that, there are always mistakes as we are human beings, there are always 
> delays as we contribute on our idle times. But things are not written on hard 
> stones and things can be fixed. But if you are on a hurry I believe then an 
> Open Source project is not for you. If you think that you cannot wait because 
> your product is based on FreeBSD then you should have known beforehand there 
> is always challenges in creating a product based on another product. None 
> forced you to create a product based on FreeBSD; it was a choice you made. 
> And I do not see any clause anywhere that a FreeBSD developer is forced to 
> give you support on a timely manner.
> And it's pretty much clear that this sort of toxic behavior will 
> automatically force other developers to drop your mail/pr in the least 
> priority.
> Kind regards,
> Moin(bofh@ with all hats off)

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