> On Sep 5, 2022, at 13:45, Tomek CEDRO <to...@cedro.info> wrote:
> Hello world :-)
> After `git pull` I get this warning now on each port build:
> /!\ ERROR: /!\
> Ports Collection support for your FreeBSD version has ended, and no
> ports are guaranteed to build on this system. Please upgrade to a
> supported release.
> No support will be provided if you silence this message by defining
> *** Error code 1

So somewhere in /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk there's this (this is from an old 
system, your version strings will be different)

.if (${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && (${OSVERSION} < 1104000 || (${OSVERSION} >= 1200000 
&& ${OSVERSION} < 1201000))) || \
    (${OPSYS} == DragonFly && ${DFLYVERSION} < 400400)
_UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM_MESSAGE=    Ports Collection support for your ${OPSYS} 
version has ended, and no ports\
                                                                are guaranteed 
to build on this system. Please upgrade to a supported release.
WARNING+=                       "${_UNSUPPORTED_SYSTEM_MESSAGE}"
. else

Check what version you're at using the same mechanism the port does (maybe add 
it to the message above) and see.  It could be someone put in a bad compare 
block, or it could be that your system has an incomplete upgrade that's 
reporting the wrong build (or someone's improperly comparing).

If it's bad, file a bug or poke a committer here.


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