Typically "third world war" can commence only after second is logically, 
practically & reasonable over in every [IN]sane person's mind.

India is "अ third world" country in originality.

Hence important for commencement of Third World War, if that was ever to happen 

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On Apr 14, 2024, 9:15 AM, at 9:15 AM, "Shirish शरदचंद्र Bhagwat via plug-mail" 
<plug-mail@plug.org.in> wrote:
>Most important consideration here is Mailing List as software must only
>wipe our own previous signature before affixing a new signature while
>Not other about others' signatures which may or maynot get
>"Do your own job right" being the principle.
>The Problem Statement is slowly getting defined...
>⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​
>On Apr 14, 2024, 9:01 AM, at 9:01 AM, "Shirish शरदचंद्र Bhagwat"
><shir...@guruvisionary.in> wrote:
>>Problem Statement is simple...
>>As the reply list grows, group signatures repeatedly getting appended
>>at the bottom or top as the case maybe become tail piece of Lord
>>Nobody will pay you or anybody else to write a patch script which
>>removes stale signatures during each reply to the original thread.
>>Only once it needs implemented for any thread
>>Maybe it's like research about common cold health condition.
>>But now it is stated 'at least once' as "action item" on plug.
>>⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​
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