नमस्कार, I can not find e-mail address of पार्थ when trying to reply to all. But no worries. Few questions/queries to collect more information =
- System type? [i.e. laptop/Desktop?] - Model number of respective PC/laptop - If desktop, external bluetooth dongle or onboard? - Output of sudo dmesg | grep -i 'blue' & 'sudo rfkill list' - Model number of bluetooth headphone - Bluetooth works fine over other conferencing software's like Google Hangout/meet ,Jitsi,Skype? - Tried following command? = sudo apt-get install blueman & then checked few settings in the bluetooth manager? Regards, Amey. On Fri, 18 Jun 2021 at 16:46, milind.naik via plug-mail < plug-mail@plug.org.in> wrote: > > Namaskar > This is Milind Naik, Principal, Jnana Prabodhini Prashala (ज्ञान प्रबॊधिनी प्रशाला), Pune. In our school we use Ubuntu os everywhere. We have hardly purchased Windows OS till date. As you are aware video conferencing is dominantly used for online teaching learning purposes. So we use ZOOM like tools. However we are finding difficulty in integrating MIC with computers via bluetooth connectivity. We tried many things: right from upgrading the system to the latest 21.04 version, changing bluetooth devices, adding available patches but we couldn't make it. So finally I am writing to you. Is there anyone who can help us to solve this problem?. Would someone like to volunteer ? It might be a paid service as well. We will be very thankful to you if you can help us. > I am copying to Parth who is our technical person to keep him in the loop. > Thanking you in advance > > -- > Dr. Milind Naik > Principal > Jnana Prabodhini Prashala > 510,Sadashiv Peth, > Pune-411030 > http://prashala.jnanaprabodhini.org > _______________________________________________ > plug-mail mailing list > plug-mail@plug.org.in > http://list.plug.org.in/listinfo/plug-mail
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