नेम of "Aगाथा Christy" may suit Just Fine As well..!

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On 6 Apr 2020, 7:34 PM, at 7:34 PM, Inkar Nation <look.k...@guruvision.com> 
>Silence is Golden Not According To Usual Rationalization Exercise..!
>The Case of Missing Comma
>~Early Standले Guardनर
>⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​
>On 5 Apr 2020, 8:20 PM, at 8:20 PM, Sudhanwa Jogalekar
><sudhanwa....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>On Sun, Apr 5, 2020, 5:59 PM Inkar Nation <look.k...@guruvision.com>
>>> One long standing problem with open source and free software
>>advocates @
>>> PLUG.
>>> They never openly acknowledged original idea of Tux with Puneri
>>> from Shri. Somesh Bartakke...
>>Whenever possible, required we always give due credit to Somesh
>>for his work. The current image was modified by Zoyd from Somesh's
>>There is some mistake in the current one but that hardly matters now.
>>And as a policy, (not a written hard and fast policy as such) there
>>hardly any names of people mentioned anywhere on plug website or any
>>associated events. Probably, in the social media exposure/explosion
>>scenario that is completely wrong.
>>Actually, be cause of this, many times it becomes difficult for the
>>timers to even use PLUG as reference as there is no mention of anyone.
>>> It's a sad story on that front (especially after Zoyd and few other
>>> worldwide lost their lives to random acts of nonsense).
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