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On 4 Apr 2020, 12:45 PM, at 12:45 PM, Inkar Nation <look.k...@guruvision.com> 
>Can listen to "Calypso Beet (Hawaiian / West Indian Music)" during
>apocalypse instead of meddling in God's affairs..
>⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​
>On 2 Apr 2020, 12:59 PM, at 12:59 PM, Tejas Sanap
><sanap.te...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Hey, folks!
>>(Warning: This is part-rant and part-opinion)
>>Browsing through the IRC subreddit[1] I ran into an interesting
>>of all the reasons why one should still use IRC.
>>One of the reasons was that IRC is a protocol and all other mediums of
>>communication are softwares or platforms. The IRC protocol is *always*
>>going to be around. Slack or Discord or Skype may be gone some day,
>>IRC protocol will still be around, even if no one is using it.
>>Another important part, is the extensively decentralised nature of IRC
>>networks. The probability of an entire network falling apart is a
>>really small one almost negligible.
>>However, my favourite reason that the OP of that post mentioned is how
>>easy it is to connect to an IRC network. One can do it using very poor
>>or very old hardware or very weak network speed, and it will still
>>function decently. This, I think, is very important in during an
>>apocalypse. I think, we can count on IRC and Radio to have our backs
>>such a crisis.
>>[1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/irc/
>>Tejas Sanap.
>>(whereistejas on Freenode)
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